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Size Chart & Guide

Welcome to the size chart & guide for creating stunning personalized gifts and wall decor through three captivating modalities: diamond painting, pushpin art, and pixel art! Choosing the right size can significantly impact the visual impact and clarity of your masterpiece, so buckle up as we explore the magic of scale in each medium.

Canvas Size: Your Artistic Playground.

Think of your canvas size as the blank stage for your artistic vision. It’s how much space you have to play with, and typically measured in inches or feet. This choice depends on your target area, budget, and desired detail level. 

Pixels: Building Blocks of Beauty.

Imagine pixels as rows and columns of vibrant colors meticulously placed across the canvas. The size of each pixel determines how many fit within the canvas, ultimately affecting the overall resolution and detail of your artwork & aesthetics.

Size Guide & Chart Diamond Painting, Pushpin Art, Pixel Art

Example: Imagine a 12″ x 12″ (12-inch height x 12-inch width) canvas, like a square foot of creative possibilities! If you choose 1″ (1-inch diameter) pixels, you’ll have a grid of 12 rows and 12 columns, forming 144 individual squares to fill. Larger canvases can hold even more pixels, like a vast starry sky for intricate details. On the other hand, smaller canvases with, say, 0.5″ pixels, can create a charming mosaic effect with bolder, chunkier blocks. This concept applies to all three art forms: in diamond painting, smaller pixels mean more shimmering details, while in pushpin art, bold 8mm pins might be easier to work with.

Digital vs Physical

Digital Photography and Pixels:

Think of your digital camera taking photos in megapixels, where millions of tiny pixels join forces to create a detailed image. This is your modern, high-resolution digital photograph.


Physical Pixel Art – Simplifying Resolution:

Now, imagine turning that digital masterpiece into a tangible piece of pixel art. The trick here is that we can’t work with millions of pixels physically. Instead, we bring down the resolution, condensing the details into a more manageable scale, usually a few thousand pixels.


Making Pixels Work in a Smaller Space

In the physical world of pixel art, the challenge is to effectively convey the image’s essence with a limited number of pixels. Artists strategically place each pixel, carefully choosing where to include detail and where to simplify. This downsizing process transforms the high-resolution digital concept into a tangible, visually appealing artwork.


Embracing Simplicity and Charm:

Unlike the vast digital landscape, physical pixel art introduces a sense of simplicity and charm. Even with fewer pixels, the artwork captures the spirit of the original image, showcasing the creative use of limited resources to bring a unique and tactile form of art to life.

So, in a nutshell, while digital cameras revel in millions of pixels, physical pixel art ingeniously condenses that richness into a visually captivating and simpler form without losing the essence of the image.

Size Guide & Chart Diamond Painting, Pushpin Art, Pixel Art Physical Pixels

Diamond Painting - Size Guide & Chart

Diamond painting, a captivating form of artistic expression, relies on meticulous planning to achieve the desired visual impact. Understanding the size guide and chart is essential to create stunning diamond paintings that fit your preferences, spaces, and budget.


1. Canvas Size:

  • The canvas size is a critical factor in diamond painting. It determines the overall dimensions of your masterpiece and directly influences the level of detail. Larger canvases accommodate more diamonds, allowing for intricate designs. Consider the available space and the desired intricacy when selecting a canvas size.

2. Crystal Size Matters:

  • The size of the crystals (diamonds) used in your painting is equally important. Diamond painting kits offer crystals ranging from 2mm to 10mm and more. Smaller crystals are ideal for detailed work, requiring more precision, while larger crystals cover more surface area quickly. Factor in the crystal size when choosing your canvas, as it affects both the level of detail and the time required for completion.

3. Choosing the Right Canvas Size:

> Small Canvas (e.g., 12 inches x 12 inches): Offers simplicity and charm with less intricate details.

> Medium Canvas (e.g., 24 inches & above): Strikes a balance between size and intricacy. Suitable for those seeking a moderate budget with more detailed designs.

Large Canvas (e.g., 48 inches & above): Perfect for ambitious projects and intricate, detailed designs. Requires patience and dedication but yields a visually stunning result.


4. Time Estimate for Completion:

  • The canvas size and crystal size impact the time required to complete your diamond painting. Smaller canvases with larger crystals may finish faster, while larger canvases with smaller crystals demand more time and precision. 

5. Budget:

  • The budget is influenced by the canvas size, crystal size, the quality of crystals used, and the accessories (e.g., frames). Larger canvases can accommodate more diamonds, potentially necessitating a higher budget. While smaller crystals may have a lower individual cost, the overall expense could escalate due to the higher quantity required for a larger canvas. On the other hand, larger crystals provide quicker coverage but may entail a higher individual cost. Additionally, crystals are available in a spectrum of qualities, ranging from economical plastics to high-quality variants. The quality of crystals chosen significantly impacts the final cost of ownership.

Pushpin Art - Size Guide & Chart

Pushpin Art, a captivating form of artistic expression, relies on meticulous planning to achieve the desired visual impact. Understanding the size guide and chart is essential to create stunning pushpin portraits that fit your preferences, spaces, and budget.


1. Canvas Size:

  • The canvas size is a critical factor in pushpin art, determining the overall dimensions of your masterpiece. Unlike diamond painting, pushpin art features fixed pushpin sizes. The minimum size for a single portrait is 36 inches x 36 inches. Larger canvases provide more space for intricate designs. Consider the available space and desired intricacy when selecting a canvas size.

2. Pushpin Size:

  • Pushpin art uses fixed pushpin sizes, typically around 8mm. 

3. Choosing the Right Canvas Size:

> Small Canvas (e.g., 36 inches x 36 inches): Ideal for simpler designs and for simple pushpin portraits. Offers a charming display of individual or pets or anything else.

> Medium Canvas (e.g.,60 inches & above): Strikes a balance between size and intricacy. Suitable for those seeking a moderate budget with more detailed designs.

Large Canvas (e.g., 100 inches & above): Perfect for ambitious projects and intricate, detailed designs. Requires patience and dedication but yields a visually stunning result.


4. Time Estimate for Completion:

  • The canvas size impacts the time required to complete your pushpin art. Smaller canvases may finish faster, while larger canvases with more intricate designs demand more time and precision. 

5. Budget:

  • The budget is influenced by the canvas size and the accessories (e.g., frames) required. Larger canvases can accommodate more pushpins, requiring a higher budget. 

Pixel Art - Size Guide & Chart

Pixel Art, a captivating form of artistic expression, relies on meticulous planning to achieve the desired visual impact. Understanding the size guide and chart is essential to create stunning diamond paintings that fit your preferences, spaces, and budget.


1. Canvas Size:

  • The canvas size is a critical factor in pixel art. It determines the overall dimensions of your masterpiece and directly influences the level of detail. Larger canvases accommodate more pixels, allowing for intricate designs. Consider the available space and the desired intricacy when selecting a canvas size.

2. Pixel Size & Material Flexibility:

  • Pixel art introduces flexibility in pixel size, allowing for creativity with pixels as small as 0.25 inches. Additionally, materials can be tailored for indoor or outdoor use, adding versatility to your artistic choices. Consider the environment where your pixel art will be displayed when choosing materials and pixel size.

3. Choosing the Right Canvas Size:

A typical recommended starting point is 10 feet x 10 feet wall/target area.


4. Time Estimate for Completion:

  • The canvas size, pixel size, and the target area for installation art impact the time required to complete your pixel art installation. 

5. Budget:

  • The budget is influenced by the canvas size, pixel size, and the quality of materials used. Additionally, materials come in various qualities, suitable for different budgets, ranging from economical options to high-quality variants. The quality of materials chosen significantly impacts the final cost of ownership. Consider accessories such as frames, which may also influence the overall budget for your pixel art project.

Start Crafting Your Legacy

Want to walk into a room that whispers your story? A canvas alive with your dreams? Let Yertoo make that vision a reality. Let’s start crafting your story, one pixel at a time.

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